part 2: The NM State Fair

photos by Elaine A. Russell

After seeing all the art exhibits, our attention turns to the critters at the McDonald's Barn....after all, who can resist baby animals ?? Besides, it's my duty to vote for the baby bunnies as being the cutest. ((bunny lovers unite))

This year, it was actually a tough call for me, because they had brought in a mommy pig and her newborn babies. Gotta say... the pigs were adoreable. They also had chicks, baby ducks, pheasants, roosters, young calves, young kid goats, miniature horses, puppies and kittens.

From there... it was all about the food. Ya gotta love going to State Fair's for the food. Corndogs, frito pies, Indian tacos, french fries, turkey legs.... and our yearly quest... Corn on the cob. I'm talking fresh picked corn on the cob... smathered in butter and sprinkled with lemon pepper seasoning.

Sated and satisfied.... we wandered about looking at the booths of junk fair food. Deep fried oreos, deep fried twinkies..... eesh. Sounds like a heart attack on a stick... and yet, I was tempted to try one. Cotton candy, pretzles, popcorn... Tom Tom mini donuts ! We got a bag and sat on the benches to enjoy their sugary goodness.

And of course, the night doesn't end until you enjoy that last bit of funnel cake.....

More tomorrow on the rides and games !