

Today I was able to spend time with family.... enjoying the holiday. I saw both of my nieces and their families, and my former brother-in-law and his wife. It was a time of good food and good fun.
Spring is definitely in full swing here. Trees are trying to bud... the grass is becoming really green in spots... plants are pushing their way through the dirt. Birds are coming around and singing joyfully.... and last night I heard the snorting of a nearby bear whilst taking a walk (yes, I remember my bear encounter last year... ).

Today was also my parent's 58th wedding anniversary. They got quite a bit of company, and dad was able to enjoy the sun on the front deck while visiting with friends. My dad has been having alot of swelling in his legs still; and for the past couple of days... he has had bouts of severe cramps in his backside and upper legs. I can only assume his electrolytes are off... and we are trying to fix that through diet and a multivitamin until we can get a follow up with a doctor. He has been using massage and heat as well... with some relief... but it continues to come with some frequency.... and usually at night.
Mom hasn't had any more additional problems since her episode in the ER... thankfully.

And so .... we are all very grateful for the healthy progress so far..... but very tired.....

These are all photos from a house here in town. The people who live there have decorated the entire yard and house with decorations... including a huge ceramic basket full of ceramic eggs (top photo in this series), lots of bunnies and flowers and such... and these massive ceramic eggs in all colors... scattered about their flower beds. Each egg was just smaller than the average shoebox. It was pretty amazing......

*all photos by Elaine A. Russell

the railyards

-----------------photos by Elaine A. Russell

so -- went on a photo expedition today. It was a FlickR photo group outing.. and didn't exactly go as planned... * if ya wanna know -- I'll tell ya later*

Woke up early --after only 3 hours of sleep.. got to the railyards in downtown ABQ around 8am.....and spent a pleasant hour or so wandering about taking photos. Having never been before.. to this ABQ iconic place... it was feckin awesome. I see why so many people have snuck in there over the years. It is now "off limits" to the general public, and is in the paperwork stages of becoming a museum. (

Today there was a local group there that was participating in the 48hrs filmfest (
I had an incredible time, and wish to thank them profusely for allowing me to take some photos.

Then --- the hubby and I went to the Chocolate Cafe (yummy desserts !) ... where I am participating in a photo show thru the end of August. I did a canvas print of a rusty old chevy... it is near the door if you want to stop by and look. ( ). The show will be up thru the end of August in the cafe.

Then... went to the mall for a much needed massage. I can't say enough about the folks at Panda Break ( They were kind, conscientious, and really helped me out alot.

Now... for some motrin and food... and a shower :) ----- and maybe some CSI !!

cake in a cup

---------------------photo by Elaine A. Russell

Did you know that you can make a chocolate cake inside a coffee cup-- in the microwave-- in about 5 minutes? I know. I am shocked too. It's not a crusty dry cake, but an ooey gooey kind of cake. Great with ice cream on top.

You take:
4 tbsp of flour
4 tbsp of sugar
2 tbsp of cocoa (I used nutella and peanut butter in mine cuz I didn't have any cocoa)
*mix all the dry ingredients in the cup.

Then add:
1 egg
3 tbsp of milk
3 tbsp of oil
splash of vanilla extract
Choc chips (optional)
*mix that all in your cup with the dry stuff.

Cook in your microwave at 1000 watts for 3 minutes.
When it's cooking, it will rise above your mug.. don't freak out.

(I used a pretty big cup.. and had enough for 2 people)
Just let it cool for a couple minutes after cooking.

beware the food that could bite you back

----------------------------------photos by Elaine A. Russell

ok. So I have been on a qwest to try out all the little cafe's down near UNM. We went to a nice little Japanese restaurant (Mirai--Light and Healthy Japanese Cuisine) yesterday, and tried a Bento Box, oyakodan, a shot of Saki and some jasmine tea. ( total cost $20 )

Overall, I have decided that I like sushi better when it is without seaweed wraps in it. I didn't like the soup that came with the Oyakodan. The Bento box was good, as was the Oyakodan. I love Jasmine tea. Our hostess was really nice. And while the company was pleasant, et all, I am not sure it would be someplace I would go again. I'm not sure if I am just not fond of Japanese food.. or that food in particular.

So -- then we come home, and our neighbor has brought us a gift for watching their stuff while they went to Florida. A chocolate crocodile with orange flavoring inside. YUM.... but what is it with chocolate that could bite you back ?

And today.. I am making some Nissan Noodle bowls... get almost done with the soup.. and realize I have a closed packet still on the bottom of my bowl. I discovered this only as I was about to choke on said packet. Wow. My daughter thinks I'm special.

So--- if you dare to eat today -- be careful. You never know.... he he he