
What can I say about today... It was a beautiful service for my dad... and tons of people came to wish us all well and to say nice things about him. It was a time of happy remembrances and visiting with family and friends. Internment was with military honors, and was just fabulous.
I have never heard "Taps" played more eloquently.

I had not planned on speaking at my father's service.... but my name was put on the program, and so I did, as well as "singing" the traditional Irish Blessing. I had sang it to my father when he was so sick, and he told me he loved it...
and so it was with great honor that I sang it again today...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell

the "after" days....

photo by Elaine A. Russell

This has been a difficult post to write. Although most people do not come into contact with the celebrities of this world.. they effect us nonetheless. They brighten our lives with tender songs, wonderful movies, and joyous events.
Today has been a day of reflection. Of people that have passed on this year... of music that will never quite be the same... of songs yet unsung. As this year ends, I would like to post a tribute of sorts, to the actors, singers, entertainers who have gone on this year to a better place... may you all rest in peace.

...and a little video on Mary Travers, who also passed away this year. Even though I was born in 1964 (which some people would argue was too late to be influenced by this time-frame) --- the folk/rock era was (and is) my music. I felt so at home with the music and ideology of this period. The love, the desire for peace, the need to get back to nature ... to take care of this land and its' people... it still speaks to me. And groups like Peter, Paul and Mary were a big part of that. I loved these songs... as well as the activism that groups like this stood for...