

Sometimes it's the littlest of things that can throw you off. Today I had the misfortune of being on the receiving end of what I can only assume was some one's very bad day. Apparently, in this particular person's life... manners are an option. And my encounter with this person threw me completely off... and basically ruined my evening. That said... as I was reeling from that experience... I had to stop at a different place on my way home, and encountered a simply wonderful person who went out of their way to be nice.

And it got me thinking. How is it that one seemingly small incident... can really change your whole outlook on something. Now... it had gotten me so upset... that I allowed it to ruin an otherwise great day out. And... that certainly is my fault. I had absorbed so much of this person's bad energy and hatred... and it so effected me.

Thinking back on it... there was nothing I could have done to have avoided the situation... but I definitely could have done better about my reaction to it.

Life is short. In fact, too short to allow other people to hurt me in this fashion... especially from a complete stranger. The "good" part is... as I was mostly unaware of the situation until after the fact... I did not react to this person's drama at all at the time... this situation could easily have escalated if I had known comments were directed at me... and lashed back.

I have always been a sort of "emotional sponge"... picking up on other people's energy all too easily.
I think part of becoming more mindful (*my word for the year)... is to not only be aware of other people around me so that I can avoid certain situations and drama... but also to be aware of when I get upset... IE: is this my emotion... or something I am getting from someone else.
Then... I can take a step back... clear the air... clear the potentially negative energy... and move on. Knowing that
a. if the situation IS due to a fault of mine... I can rectify whatever I have done... OR
b. if this is something I have no control or responsibility for... move on. Let it go.

And on a completely separate note.... the other night I was visiting Old Towne... and was fortunate enough to get these photos (just above.. and just below). The top photo is from my drive in Placitas the other day...
As a tie-in... they are all "blue"... and remind me tonight that I can't let other people get me down (or blue)...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell

the dark side

photo by Elaine A. Russell

I took this photo a couple weeks ago, at the Factory on 5th BBQ. At the time, I was just playing around and taking photos for my on-going series of photos of the Factory http://www.flickr.com/photos/31979552@N08/sets/72157619258924678/
It's been a rough couple of days emotionally for me.

I mention this only because, as I was tweaking this photo a bit digitally, it got me thinking about alot of things. It got me thinking about the face that we put on for the world. How we try to project a certain image, or reflect specific values, or just plain try to be nice to everyone.
Is it merely a facade > does it go deeper than that > are we merely mannequins in this world .....

I think most of us try to be genuine individuals. We try our best to be as nice to everyone we can, without becoming doormats to the evil people in our lives. We fine tune our perspectives in life, and try to be as honest as we can. We don't force our opinions on others, and encourage each other to be who they are ... warts and all.

Sometimes life gets messy. Things are said hastily, things are mis-understood, feelings get hurt. We are not mannequins wrapped in plastic afterall. No polyvinyl to protect us from what ever is getting flung... be it directed at us or not.

Life is so short.... too short to allow stupid things to get in the way of life's true learning experiences.

I'm not a big fan of Jerry Springer. ...although I have seen a few of his shows. At the end of every chaotic episode, he has a nice little monologue.. the end of which goes something like....""take care of yourselves... and each other.""
I kinda like that.