salon with Sylvia

-----------------crappy cell phone photo by Elaine A. Russell

I really enjoyed the session with Sylvia Browne at Route66 Casino last night.
I have enjoyed her books for years, and it was a pleasure to be able to hear a lecture from her in person.

I have read alot of the "anti-Sylvia" stuff out there on the internet, and seen alot of supposed debunking of her abilities. It just doesn't matter to me.
Even is she was a complete fraud; which I don't believe she is...... I have still learned so much about life and myself from her books for it to matter. I think the most powerful message that anyone can realize.. is that life can and does go on.
That the best things in life.. really are free.... Loving each other, caring for each other, doing good when you can, enjoying our time here as best as we are able.
The rest of it just doesn't matter.