

It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is thursday... already. This year has been so very full of chaos... and growth... and loss... and well... everything...

In honor of Thanksgiving (*also known in our house as the forgotten holiday)... I will be posting on topics such as thankfulness and gratefulness this week.

FIVE things I am grateful for this year:
1. that my family is safe and well and happy. I love you BAJ, kids, and little Sophia...
2. that we have shelter... food ... and the perks of living in a country where it is safe to live as we please
3. fresh coffee and fresh flowers in the house
4. freedom to make art... no matter what the subject matter
5. my lovely little Sabrina.. who brightens every single day for me

The photos for today's post... are ones I took back in April when I was in PA. I had gone to the Recycle Center over in Gold, PA... and there was this awesome little farm right on the "main drag" there in town. Right by the road, was a small-ish pen that had a male turkey and a few gorgeous ducks. He was stunning... and I took that golden opportunity to take a few photos of him. And no... I don't want to even think about if he is still there today...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell