

I have carried a Moleskine notebook around with me for about 5yrs now. It started as a recommendation from a friend... to write in a journal daily... to learn more about myself and what it is I want to do in life. Failing at journaling.... I found that I used it mainly to sketch and collage and do Haiku.
It expanded... and I started a "series" of journals devoted strictly to my jewelry making. Collecting photos of pieces I liked... taking notes from various books and magazines.... and sketching original designs and layouts for pieces.

Several weeks ago, I signed up to participate in the "Sketchbook Project."

I have been trying to decide on what to include in the book... as I only have a few months with it before it goes into the collection. The theme I chose was "Beneath the Surface"... and it will focus on what is going on in my head and my heart... beneath the surface of my being. It will be a hodgepodge of drawings, photos, Haiku, thoughts on religion and spirituality, deepest dreams and desires, wishes and hopes....

In the front is a short list... a sort of set of goals for myself...(I've always made lists...)

*Imagine Peace and Health... not just for myself... but for everyone and everything

*Truly LOVE each other unconditionally

*"An artist is nothing without talent, but talent is nothing without work" ( Emile Zola)

*Everyday ... do something for someone/something else....

*Live every day as if it's your last

---------------> photos and artwork by Elaine A. Russell