

Looking at yet another article on "how to succeed"... I noticed that it outlined several steps. Now... I really don't know if I completely agree with all of them per se... but in a nutshell... here they are:

1. Positive thinking. Lots of plans that plot avenues to take towards success in life tout the importance of positive thinking. In fact; the whole SECRET phenomenon wraps itself around the power of intention... which is similar. Now... this is not to say that you should become blind to the reality of the situation at hand.

2. Stay fit. The article states the importance of eating as well as you can afford... and exercising regularly. Nuf said.

3. Upgrade your value. This one talks about increasing your own value by continuing education in your chosen field... constantly trying to improve your techniques, etc. Not sure I feel like my self-worth is wrapped up in my education or talents alone... but ... I do understand the importance of continuing to improve and learn.

4. Evaluate the status quo. I think this one goes back to step #1... where you get the occasional reality check so to speak...

5. Take action. Ie: success won't come to you... you have to go out and get it. And if you really really want it... you will keep going after it.

6. Persist. As in try, try, again.

Looking thru these articles... has been a learning process for me. It's not that the information is new to me... in fact... alot of it is simply common sense. However, what I did learn was from taking these concepts to heart... and really sitting down and applying them to my current situation and figuring out how that applies to ME. NoW.

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


OK. Now you've broken your goal down into a list of "easy" tasks. Now comes the relatively hard part (at least for me)... which is staying motivated and energized enough to get the tasks done.

Accoring to one website; now is when you nee to call in your reserves of:

1. Determination and Commitment
2. Will and Desire
3. Do and Dare
4. Vision
5. Go-get-it-ness

And... you also need to be prepared to cut yourself some slack. Allow yourself to "fail." Several of the articles make a point of mentioning how crucial failure can be if you allow it. After all, you have to stumble and fall a grazillion times before you actually learn to walk... why would this be any different? Rare is the person who actually gets things perfect "straight out of the gate."
So ... allow yourself to slip a little... slide a little... fall into the abyss a little if it happens... just remember to get back up and TRY AGAIN.

(photo by Elaine A. Russell)


OK... So... you have an idea of how you define success for you in your life.
You know what you want to do... but how to do it?

First... set a goal. It could be just a small one at first... say... I want to get "project x" done.
Break it down. What are the little steps that lead up to getting this project done?
I make a list...

For example (I have used my latest solo show project at CCMH in PA as an example):

1. select photos for the project
2. print photos ( can be further broken down... get ink, get paper, make sure printer is working)
3. cut mattes ( get matte board, find cutter, get ruler )
4. Package products ( get paper, archival tape, archival sleeves, boxes, cover sheet, etc)
5. mail (get insurance)

Things always seem much more manageable once you break it down...
(photos by Elaine A. Russell)


Seems like we are all moving on towards something... even if we don't always really know what that something is. I have a dear friend who is moving away. And while I don't want her to move... I completely understand why she is. Things are not working out for her here in New Mexico, and she feels it is time to move on. She is moving towards her goals.

And so I began to think about what success is... and what makes one successful. (...because I believe she will be successful in what she wants to do... no matter where that takes her).

1. First of all... you need to have a goal. Without a goal... we just wander through life... and perhaps that is enough... but for those of you for whom it's not...

Various motivational speakers will lay out a plan on how to proceed from there. All day... off and on... I have been perusing the net looking at some of these sites, and through some books I have in my own library... and I have narrowed things down to a few steps that they all seem to ((mostly)) agree on.

And so... over the next few days... I hope to lay out some of those ideas. How to succeed... what does success mean to you... how does one proceed towards what really wants in life... (as noted by these various motivational experts and authorities on the subject)...

SO... first. Pick a goal. What is it you really want to achieve? As artists and lovers of life... sometimes we can be spread way too thin by enjoying way to much... and perhaps even... by being talented in way too much... that we can't decide what it is we actually want. This may actually be the hardest part of the whole thing. So .... think about it. Make sure it is the right thing for you. Make sure it fits in with your lifestyle, your particular talents, your true desires...but... pick a goal. Big or small.

((the photos for today's post are based on the theme: Planes, trains, and automobiles. All photos I took over the past year or so. I picked them because they seemed to speak on "moving on" in life. Metaphorically... and perhaps even... in reality))

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


I have carried a Moleskine notebook around with me for about 5yrs now. It started as a recommendation from a friend... to write in a journal daily... to learn more about myself and what it is I want to do in life. Failing at journaling.... I found that I used it mainly to sketch and collage and do Haiku.
It expanded... and I started a "series" of journals devoted strictly to my jewelry making. Collecting photos of pieces I liked... taking notes from various books and magazines.... and sketching original designs and layouts for pieces.

Several weeks ago, I signed up to participate in the "Sketchbook Project."

I have been trying to decide on what to include in the book... as I only have a few months with it before it goes into the collection. The theme I chose was "Beneath the Surface"... and it will focus on what is going on in my head and my heart... beneath the surface of my being. It will be a hodgepodge of drawings, photos, Haiku, thoughts on religion and spirituality, deepest dreams and desires, wishes and hopes....

In the front is a short list... a sort of set of goals for myself...(I've always made lists...)

*Imagine Peace and Health... not just for myself... but for everyone and everything

*Truly LOVE each other unconditionally

*"An artist is nothing without talent, but talent is nothing without work" ( Emile Zola)

*Everyday ... do something for someone/something else....

*Live every day as if it's your last

---------------> photos and artwork by Elaine A. Russell