
I have learned an awful lot being away from home for the past 3 months. One of the interesting things I have learned is that my body can be a very fragile beast. I have always felt a little guilty for insisting over the years on buying as much organic and fresh foods that we can afford. I always felt a little guilty because in the back of my mind... I figured I was sorta being selfish in wanting "the best" foods... when I could probably do fine with something cheaper.
However. After living for 3 months on a diet of mostly canned/ frozen veggies... lots of carbs... very little meat... and more processed food that I care to admit -- I am sick. I have bruises all over me... a nasty skin rash... infections... joint pain and soreness in odd places... headaches... and I have gained alot of really flabby weight.
I can only assume that my diet has to be the culprit (that and stress).
When I was diagnosed with Lupus back in 1992; I saw a nutritionist who insisted I try a diet of fresh, organic food... no red meat, very little dairy... no sugar, no caffeine, etc. After 6 months I was in remission of the Lupus, and periodically over the years I go back on this diet when things get bad ... with good results.
When I had cancer back in 1997; I went on a strict macrobiotic diet. I also did meditation, massage, and acupuncture... and was very happily surprised that after 6 weeks I was able to go back to work... and after 6 months... I was in remission.
Watching my diet has always been a crucial factor with my health.

And so... today marks a fresh start.
A revamping of my diet... a cleaning out and re-organizing of the house...
and a re-grouping of my art business.
Course... first I have to get rid of this headache...

(*photo by Elaine A. Russell)