

Seems like we are all moving on towards something... even if we don't always really know what that something is. I have a dear friend who is moving away. And while I don't want her to move... I completely understand why she is. Things are not working out for her here in New Mexico, and she feels it is time to move on. She is moving towards her goals.

And so I began to think about what success is... and what makes one successful. (...because I believe she will be successful in what she wants to do... no matter where that takes her).

1. First of all... you need to have a goal. Without a goal... we just wander through life... and perhaps that is enough... but for those of you for whom it's not...

Various motivational speakers will lay out a plan on how to proceed from there. All day... off and on... I have been perusing the net looking at some of these sites, and through some books I have in my own library... and I have narrowed things down to a few steps that they all seem to ((mostly)) agree on.

And so... over the next few days... I hope to lay out some of those ideas. How to succeed... what does success mean to you... how does one proceed towards what really wants in life... (as noted by these various motivational experts and authorities on the subject)...

SO... first. Pick a goal. What is it you really want to achieve? As artists and lovers of life... sometimes we can be spread way too thin by enjoying way to much... and perhaps even... by being talented in way too much... that we can't decide what it is we actually want. This may actually be the hardest part of the whole thing. So .... think about it. Make sure it is the right thing for you. Make sure it fits in with your lifestyle, your particular talents, your true desires...but... pick a goal. Big or small.

((the photos for today's post are based on the theme: Planes, trains, and automobiles. All photos I took over the past year or so. I picked them because they seemed to speak on "moving on" in life. Metaphorically... and perhaps even... in reality))

*photos by Elaine A. Russell

getting the garbage out

*photos by Elaine A. Russell

...the sky is very overcast here in ABQ.. and frankly, it looks like it may snow. I am not ready for winter. I want my fall back. I admit... I have been feeling quite behind and melancholy of late. ...too much to do, not enough time to do it in... not enough ambition either way....

I have been trying to force myself into happiness... but it's not working today. Short of an infusion of super strength prozac... not sure what would work. My kids are growing up and moving out. It is that time. The time I thought would never really get here. And now I am worried. Did I teach them enough > Did I love them enough> did I show them how wonderful the world is without making them naive to the badness of life... And the big question... what will I do without them around. The boy has a job, a girlfriend, is in college part-time and is saving up to move out. The girl, although a year younger.. already has plans in motion to be on her own come spring. Full time college, and making her way in the art world.

The hubby and I are fixing up the house in an effort to sell... and move. But where?

We are trying to pay off all of our debt.

We are downsizing and organizing.

It's like we are on the brink.. but who knows for what.. or where.. or when.

And for today -- it just seems to be an almighty effort just to get the garbage collected and to the curb. Some days are like that.

I will make coffee.

Photos for today's post are from a gorgeous Buddhist shrine that is literally in the middle of what used to be Indian land, now part of Petroglyph park. It seems so out of place, and yet, so perfect. I took these photos as the sun was coming up on the mesa.....