

Looking at yet another article on "how to succeed"... I noticed that it outlined several steps. Now... I really don't know if I completely agree with all of them per se... but in a nutshell... here they are:

1. Positive thinking. Lots of plans that plot avenues to take towards success in life tout the importance of positive thinking. In fact; the whole SECRET phenomenon wraps itself around the power of intention... which is similar. Now... this is not to say that you should become blind to the reality of the situation at hand.

2. Stay fit. The article states the importance of eating as well as you can afford... and exercising regularly. Nuf said.

3. Upgrade your value. This one talks about increasing your own value by continuing education in your chosen field... constantly trying to improve your techniques, etc. Not sure I feel like my self-worth is wrapped up in my education or talents alone... but ... I do understand the importance of continuing to improve and learn.

4. Evaluate the status quo. I think this one goes back to step #1... where you get the occasional reality check so to speak...

5. Take action. Ie: success won't come to you... you have to go out and get it. And if you really really want it... you will keep going after it.

6. Persist. As in try, try, again.

Looking thru these articles... has been a learning process for me. It's not that the information is new to me... in fact... alot of it is simply common sense. However, what I did learn was from taking these concepts to heart... and really sitting down and applying them to my current situation and figuring out how that applies to ME. NoW.

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


OK. Now you've broken your goal down into a list of "easy" tasks. Now comes the relatively hard part (at least for me)... which is staying motivated and energized enough to get the tasks done.

Accoring to one website; now is when you nee to call in your reserves of:

1. Determination and Commitment
2. Will and Desire
3. Do and Dare
4. Vision
5. Go-get-it-ness

And... you also need to be prepared to cut yourself some slack. Allow yourself to "fail." Several of the articles make a point of mentioning how crucial failure can be if you allow it. After all, you have to stumble and fall a grazillion times before you actually learn to walk... why would this be any different? Rare is the person who actually gets things perfect "straight out of the gate."
So ... allow yourself to slip a little... slide a little... fall into the abyss a little if it happens... just remember to get back up and TRY AGAIN.

(photo by Elaine A. Russell)


photo by Elaine A. Russell

I love rainy days. I love the smells, the sounds, the cooler air..... everything about it. The dogs do not. In fact, 2 out of 3 of them are petrified of storms... and spent the day either cowering in the bathroom... or glued to my side.
Fear is a funny thing. It can bring you to your knees ... or it can make you stronger. I am not afraid of much anymore... but at one time... I was afraid of heights, deep water, snakes... the list went on. Over the years... I have been relieved of most all of my fears... save one. Fear of failure. Course, this is all relative... what would seem a failure to some, is not always a failure to someone else.
Fear of failure is closely related to fear of criticism and fear of rejection.

Personally, I am always sensitive to other people's opinions. I take them far too personally for my own good. I am getting better about it... but I still have a long way to go. In an effort to combat this... I am trying to step out of my box more lately... try something new... put myself out there more.

Here is a link to an interesting article on overcoming the "fear of failure"....