Words interest me. I am not a writer by any stretch (as you may have guessed).... but I do love to read (hence the rather large "books I've recently read" list on my sidebar). I will be the first to admit that grammar and punctuation are not exactly my strong suites... although I do try.
So... it was interesting to note this article today on a Google search I did----
According to this site: http://blog.tamar.com/2009/12/top-words-and-phrases-of-2009-provide-insight-into-global-psyche/..... the top 5 words of the year 2009 are:
1. Twitter
2. Obama
3. H1N1
4. Stimulus
5. Vampire
I guess I shouldn't be surprised by the top 5 listings.
Twitter, Facebook, Kindles, Nooks, etc... as well as Ipods and Iphones are all the rage..... ObamaMania has been a HUGE topic for the past year....and of course.. who doesn't know someone attacked with the H1N1 virus?
Stimulus.. the economy... business rises and fails... all a worry ... and Vampires!!! Whodathunk? Having never read the "Twilight" series.... I cannot say first hand... but I know many people who have raved over it.... and just as many who haven't. But it is certainly a topic of discussion....
So-- here's to some good reading... and (hopefully) good writing in the year 2010.
Check this out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNcex6I7qls
And this one: