
thursday's child

photos by Elaine A. Russell

"Monday's child is fair of face,
Tuesday's child is full of grace,
Wednesday's child is full of
Thursday's child has far to go,
Friday's child is loving and giving,
Saturday's child works hard for a living,
But the child who is born on the
Sabbath Day
Is bonny and blithe and good and gay."

---I certainly have far to go. But not today. Today was spent helping my dad organize his state quarter collection into books. Somehow he is missing Ohio, Delaware and Mississipi.
Go figure.
I went to Rite Aid to get some photos put onto CD, and looked at used cars for my dad.
I got McDonald's for dinner to go with some fresh corn on the cob.
And -- I was thinking about going out to take some photos... because it wasn't raining.. and then it started raining. Ah well.

I also went to Valley Hardware to get some yarn to work on a scarf. I also picked up some fresh roasted cashews for my mom. This is a cool place.. it has a little bit of everything there.
Then I went to "The Right Stuff." This is an antique "mall" just outside of town. It actually isn't a mall at all, but a series of rooms that are connected in one long building. It is however, extremely cool. It has a ton of stuff... lots I would like to get. The photo above is a college of some of the cool stuff you could get. I picked out a bunch of little things.. but ended up not having enough money with me *(they only take cash folks).. so I will go back tomorrow.

I am being 'encouraged' to stay until next friday so that I can be Godmother to my neice's son who will be baptised that night. So -- we'll see. I think we have found a good/affordable dishwasher and microwave for my folks. I also found a lady who does massage.. so I made an appointment for Monday for both my mother and I.

I am trying to fill my days with good thoughts, peace, health... and photo taking.
Oh-- and my nephew slaughtered my neice at pool last night. YIKES. But -- good coffee, good company, and some wicked cool pool playing.

news from Potter County

photos by Elaine A. Russell

I think that I have been here about 10 days now --- not including travel time.
It has rained every single day. Today.. it has been an all day affair.
I mention this because Sabrina is spoiled by the lack of rain in ABQ, and doesn't think she can go outside if it is wet... she just doesn't like to get her paws wet I guess. She has been "holding it" all day.. and I think she is going to have to give up pretty soon.

The birds don't mind the rain. So far today we have seen robins, cardinals, finches, swallows, an evening grossbeak, an indigo bunting, a rose breasted grossbeak, some nuthatches, and lots of hummingbirds. We certainly don't get this kind of variety in ABQ.

We just fed some crackers to some wild ducks that came into the yard.. they were stunning. There were 3 female mallards.. and one had some gorgeous blue markings on her feathers. I took some photos, but I don't have much of a zoom lens, so none of them are very close. Someday I will have a better camera and lenses. Someday.

In other news.. I have been helping my dad gather and wrap tons of change he had stashed about the house. Not sure what he was saving it all for... but we made an impressive deposit into his checking account. We also cashed in some bonds he had. In the next few days, he wants me to help him shop for a new microwave and a new dishwasher for the house. They have lived in this house for about 10yrs, and have never had a dishwasher, and the microwave died awhile ago.. so I guess it's about time.
I am also going to be helping him look for a new car... that is... a second hand car in good shape. Their current car is about 10yrs old, and was recently hit by another driver; so he wants to trade it in.
Today we went and bought a brand new mattress, boxspring, and frame set for my brother.

So -- doing a few errands.

Tonight I am going to head on down to the Hotel Crittenden, where both my neice and my nephew are playing pool. They will actually be playing against each other in differnt leagues... so I will have to root for both somehow. Should be fun.