
looking up

photos by Elaine A. Russell, taken at the Factory on 5th

So. About a week ago I hurt my neck and left shoulder blade area. Yesterday is was so painful... that I finally went to see a doctor. Those of you who know me... know that I have to be dead or dying to go to the doctor.. so you can feel my pain.
I went to see a local acupuncturist and traditional chinese medicine physician. He is fabulous. And while I am still in alot of pain today.. I know that I am on the road to wellness.
I have also been taking sleeping pills for about 3 years now, because I have a terrible time getting enough restful sleep. Hopefully, with the help of this new guy, I can get off those medications naturally.
And, I have been having trouble with some liver failure... and that was one of the first things he addressed... so I am feeling better in general.
Things are looking up. In light of that.. I have posted some photos of the Factory on 5th that focus not only on my physical limitations at the moment ( fencing/ barriers )... but also on the beautiful skies towards a brighter future.


--------------photos by Elaine A. Russell

I've been thinking alot about barriers lately.
By definition...."barrier" (noun)(www.TheFreeDictionary.com)

1. anything that blocks a way or separates, such as a gate
2. anything that prevents progress: a barrier of distrust
3. anything that separates or hinders union: a language barrier [Old French barre bar]

Websters also adds:
1. A structure, such as a fence, built to bar passage.
2. Something immaterial that obstructs or impedes: Intolerance is a barrier to understanding.
3. A membrane, tissue, or mechanism that blocks the passage of certain substances.
4. physical or biological factor that limits the migration, interbreeding, or free movement of individuals or populations.
5. A boundary or limit.
6. Something that separates or holds apart.

Artists face barriers every day. Barriers based on their religion, color, race, even economics .....
And then there are the barriers based on the work of art itself ... is it too controversial? Political ? Sarcastic?, Erotic, etc
In alot of ways ... I am my own worst barrier. I self censor my art all the time. Is it good enough? Is it strong enough? Is the point of the art clear? Is the technique I used up to par? etc.
Many times I censor to the point of not being able to produce any art at all.
I think it all goes back to a primal fear of failure. I am afraid that other people won't like my work, so I intimidate myself to the point where I won't make anything at all. If I don't make it.. I cannot fail... I think to myself.
Any yet, by not even trying... I am failing.
So--- I am going to be making a concentrated effort to NOT censor myself. To NOT expect that everyone will hate it... to NOT care even if they do. To just DO IT for arts' sake. And because I can't live and not do art.