
for wednesday

Cafe Chair photo by Elaine A. Russell. Taken at the Golden Crown Panendaria

Sometimes I get sooooooooooooo busy doing the seemingly simple things.. and life just passes by quickly, and the next thing I know is that it's 1am, and I haven't posted for the day. Sorry.

Today was one of those days when I literally had a list of things to do.
1. pay bills/ balance account
2. get groceries
3. buy BIG envelopes
4. go to the post office
etc etc. You get the idea.

Amongst the pleasant surprises though... was making a connection with a local printer to do up some of my photography. This led to a discussion on my style/body of work.. and the offering for future work or display. It was fecking awesome.

A quick visit with a couple friends... getting together a plan for a future art date....

Then, a quick cup of wonderful tea and a yummy empanada at the Golden Crown Panendaria on 12th.

Then off to the studio to do some work... Then dinner and discussions with like minded artist friends. Pretty much a perfect day.