reading .....reading....

photos taken at Newsland, Central Ave in ABQ by Elaine A. Russell

So -- you know that the other day my daughter and I went to Newsland --- a fabulous shop on Central Ave across from UNM. They have tons of cool magazines, books, periodicals, postcards, newspapers... etc.... even some funky jewelry and ice cold Coke. What more does a person need ? Well... maybe if they had coffee... but I digress.
It is a fabulous place.. and I am thoroughly addicted to their massive selection of stuff. See more at

I have been on a reading kick. Which is awesome... but I really do have other things I should be doing right now.... ah well. You have to go where the inspiration takes you.
And lately, it has taken me some wonderful places.

There are a few blogs that I read every day....or at least -- -every day that they post.
I am inspired by their candor, their view on the world, their creativity and their prose.

I was recently loaned a book... "Range of Motion" by Elizabeth Berg. I have never read any of her stuff.. and this was delightful. Gritty, sappy, romantic..tender... descriptive..inspiring...I read it all last night. I couldn't put it down. I highly recommend it.

You can find more about Elizabeth Berg here: