Somehow I managed to piss off someone today... someone I hardly even know... and it was not even something I was aware of until I got a note on FlickR. weird. Weird how by doing a favor for one person, pissed off another.
It led me to think about the stuff of life. How easy it is to get one's feelings bent. How easy it is to do something completely innocent, and have it turned around. How seemingly small incidents can become so large in a short amount of time.
And yet... how small these things are in reality.... and how short time is in the grand scheme of things.
I got a call --my mother is sick and in ICU back in PA. She was in the hospital for several days, had just been discharged, and only got to spend that night at home, and ended back up in the hospital in the morning.
I am heading out sometime in the next 24hours .. and driving back there. It is 1900 miles one way... and I am going alone. Situations are such that no one is able to go with me... but perhaps it is a good thing. Everyone needs some time alone for reflection.. and this may be the best thing for me.. in a weird sort of way.
--more to come... if I can get a connection.