opening the door

massive door at the Factory on 5th. Photo by Elaine A. Russell

This week I am getting ready for a show on Saturday. It is the usual last minute RUSH. I am not sure that I will get everything done I had intended... in fact, I know I won't. But that's ok.
I am doing my best to at least finish the projects I had already started.. and then we will go from there. I also need to get tables for the show, and some folding chairs. But -- I did order a brand new show tent from, and it looks fabulous. I also ordered a small-ish print rack to hold some of my photos.. so that is cool.

So -- why the title ? Because I am slowly but surely opening the door to my new artistic life. The door may be heavy, awkward, and hard to budge... like the massive doors at the Factory.... but they are wide open to the world ... and colorful... and totally me.