I am noticing a trend here. The only days I have missed posting are on fridays when I am doing shows. So ... if you notice no post, and it's a friday.. well, there ya go.
That said. On this particular friday... we (my daughter and I) were showing our art at the Grand Opening of the BLACK MARKET GOODS peeps at morningside and central in ABQ.
About 250 people were wandering about throughout the evening.. enjoying great beer, great art, and a live model fashion show which is a staple of the BMG shows.
I especially want to give a SHOUT OUT to everyone involved in the fashion show, and some of my fellow rockin artists... Mia, Carly, Ren, Jeannette, Josh, Brandon, Blake, Evan, Allistair, Monica, Jaimie and more !
You guys are awesome.