I keep thinking of the Queen song today.... "Under Pressure." Besides it being a really good song... it has a great groove. So good, Vanilla Ice tried to steal it. But I digress.
It's been a weird day.
My parents left early this am for her appointment in Erie to see the surgeon. It is a very long drive, and one my dad doesn't like to take. He hates driving in cities. I woke up late, after 1pm. I just didn't feel well today. And I didn't get much sleep this am because the phone kept ringing. Turns out, it was my brother trying ot figure out if I was there so that he could mow the lawn. And.. my neice asking me to watch her kids. She had taken her oldest to a doctor's appt (also several hours away ) and wasn't going to be back in time to get her other 2 kids from daycare.
I took a shower, ran a couple errands, and picked up her 2 youngest kids. I took them to McDonald's for happy meals, and we went to my neice's house. Unfortunately, my neice didn't get home til after 7pm... but by then, the kids had had their supper, and we had picked up the house a bit.
I got back to my parent's house, and they weren't back yet.. so I did some chores around the house... took another shower, fed my puppy, and ate a late supper. My parent's got home around 8pm.
My mother needs surgery, but needs to get things cleared with her pulmonologist, cardiologist, and general physician first. Surgery is tentatively scheduled for September. Unfortunately, I can't stay that long.. so we'll see how things go.
I'm torn. On one hand, I feel an obligation to help take care of my parents, on the other hand, I have obligations back home too.
I did learn one thing today....and that is that I am definately too old, tired, cranky... whatever.. to be taking care of a 2yr old and a 4yr old on a regular basis. The powers that be definately knew better when they passed out kids to only younger people. I read somewhere that the oldest woman to give birth was a 66yr old lady in Italy, who had twins ! yikes. I just wouldn't be able to do it. She actually took hormone therapy to reverse 20yrs of menopause just to get pregnant.
I just can't fathom it.
It's been a weird day.
My parents left early this am for her appointment in Erie to see the surgeon. It is a very long drive, and one my dad doesn't like to take. He hates driving in cities. I woke up late, after 1pm. I just didn't feel well today. And I didn't get much sleep this am because the phone kept ringing. Turns out, it was my brother trying ot figure out if I was there so that he could mow the lawn. And.. my neice asking me to watch her kids. She had taken her oldest to a doctor's appt (also several hours away ) and wasn't going to be back in time to get her other 2 kids from daycare.
I took a shower, ran a couple errands, and picked up her 2 youngest kids. I took them to McDonald's for happy meals, and we went to my neice's house. Unfortunately, my neice didn't get home til after 7pm... but by then, the kids had had their supper, and we had picked up the house a bit.
I got back to my parent's house, and they weren't back yet.. so I did some chores around the house... took another shower, fed my puppy, and ate a late supper. My parent's got home around 8pm.
My mother needs surgery, but needs to get things cleared with her pulmonologist, cardiologist, and general physician first. Surgery is tentatively scheduled for September. Unfortunately, I can't stay that long.. so we'll see how things go.
I'm torn. On one hand, I feel an obligation to help take care of my parents, on the other hand, I have obligations back home too.
I did learn one thing today....and that is that I am definately too old, tired, cranky... whatever.. to be taking care of a 2yr old and a 4yr old on a regular basis. The powers that be definately knew better when they passed out kids to only younger people. I read somewhere that the oldest woman to give birth was a 66yr old lady in Italy, who had twins ! yikes. I just wouldn't be able to do it. She actually took hormone therapy to reverse 20yrs of menopause just to get pregnant.
I just can't fathom it.