
into the woods

photos by Elaine A. Russell

I have been a little upset because one of my goals --photographically speaking -- was to take some shots of all the ferns around the woods here. I am a HUGE fern fan.. always have been.. and there are tons of varieties here that grow in the woods. But it's hard to take photos in the middle of a rainstorm. Today it is actually sorta sunny... so I hope to head out and get some shots. On the other hand.. my dad wants to look for a car.. so we'll see who wins out.

In other news -- my brother has informed me (jokingly I think) that he is reading my blog now.. so I guess I had better watch what I say :) .... Censorship ! .. I don't think so.

And -- the other night Sabrina and I saw the bear on our nightly walk... and he saw us. I don't think either one of us handled the shock very well. On the plus side, I don't think Sabrina is constipated any more.. and probably neither is the bear.