
It's yard sale day

----------------------------photo by Elaine A. Russell

It's 4am. I can't sleep. I get this insane idea to have a yard sale once a year....and I have it scheduled to start at 0800. I've been working for a couple weeks gathering stuff.
If you are brave.. come on out !
I will be the harried looking lady with a coffee cup.

UPDATE 0800: people were coming at 7am. Good thing I was awake and setting up early.
UPDATE 0900am: Why is it that 95% of the people coming speak very little english.. and yet still want to try to haggle with you down to the last penny >
UPDATE 10am: no traffic. no sales. depressed. It's just me, a bunch of stuff, and some cold coffee.
UPDATE 11am: hubby reprieved me, and I got a shower. Only customer while I was gone was a lady who gave my hubby a WATCHTOWER pamphlet. I'm thinking this is not a good sign.
UPDATE 12noon: thinking about packing it in. Posting offers on Freecycle. Making a list of items going for Charity donations. oooh.. but wait... there's a last little "rush" on stuff !
UPDATE 1pm: all done. Stuff (for the most part) has been loaded in the car and gone to charity. One lady is picking up some items for a local shelter, and one lady is picking up a bunch of craft items and supplies, and some quilting frames for a local Senior Center. Hubby is retrieving my sale signs.
On the whole... I think I just suck at having yard sales. I am much more inclined to just give stuff away, and yet I am perturbed by people who want everything for a quarter.
In the end, I made about $100.
The lesson in all this though, is that I should just give to charity organizations, friends, family, whatever.. and not worry about selling stuff. I'm just not very good at it... not when it comes to my own stuff. I'm great at selling stuff for other people :)