

photo by Elaine A. Russell

I don't know why some days are so chaotically crazy as compared to others....
Today was going to be a simple day when I ran errands... and did some work in my studio in the afternoon. So -- of course, this was one of those nights when I didn't fall asleep right away.. nor did I apparently sleep very soundly until the am.. because I ended up sleeping until noon.
Took a shower... and have been on the run since. Post office, groceries, a few stores to get some stuff.... pick up an item off of Freecycle (Thank you Betty for my wonderful new cake stand!!!)... got stuck in traffic... 3 car pile-up....tried to take some photos for my daily photo project....lost my wallet. Re-traced my steps. Freaked out. Went home. Started calling places. Cleaned out my car -- and found it wedged in the passenger seat.

Ok. Time to slow down and breathe.

Made supper. Fresh salmon with lemon and butter... edamame....shrimp with cocktail sauce... fresh bread with brie cheese. My honey made coffee :)

Sorted thru my pics from the day. The one above, is this girl (dressed in a blue dog suit) who was dancing and jogging in place on San Mateo and Academy --advertising a local fitness place. Not sure if she was moving about as inspiration for people to get in shape... or if she was cold. ... But it was cute.
I also got a fabulous photo of a neon green alien statue on an off street ... and of the tumbleweed snowman on I-25 (which I took while driving down the highway ... don't try this folks... ).... I will try to get better ones some other time.. but it was a great exercise in creativity.

Which I guess brings me to the Living Simply section of today's blog post.

Don't rush. Organize your errands so that you can consolidate trips. And if all else fails.. enjoy the chaos. You might get a good picture out of it all..

am running a little behind today... and boy is she cute.

------ -------photo by Elaine A. Russell

As you know, I have been working hard at clearing out excess stuff in my life. I am a member of the Freecycle Network, and for the past 2 years, have been donating an item for each day of the year to a person who could use the item. It is very liberating. I also do bulk donations to Goodwill and such. I mention this only because sometimes it is easy to get jaded about humanity... sometimes people can be schmucks. And yet, having been concentrating on donating items, I have seen how very generous and grateful people can be.

Yesterday I met a woman at the gas station who really just wanted someone to talk to. She was lonely. She called me this am. It is kinda sad. I read an article once that said people need 4 hugs a day just to survive emotionally. She hadn't had a hug in a year. How do people end up in these situations ? She had tried several avenues to meet people, including clubs and churches, and just didn't find that people were honestly that friendly...not past the services or meeting times.

I think we need to be more open as a rule, and be more friendly to people. Not that we are to open ourselves up to dangerous situations, or allow people to take advantage of us.... but to offer that smile, that hello, that occasional hug to someone who could really use it.

The photo is my little Sabrina's cute behind. She is adorable ...very willing to give cheer to most everyone she meets :)

cleanin up the back 40

-----------------------------photo by Elaine A. Russell

We've been working on it most of the weekend, and the weeds are GONE. This coming week we are planning on fixing up the fire pit area, and trimming a couple more of the trees. We still need to patch some stucco on the wall in spots. And.. there are alot of stuff that needs to go as far as yard waste... and there's just no room at the moment.

But... it is looking pretty dang good.
The puppies are happy... more room to romp without weedage.
AND-- I planted seeds in the garden, so we'll see if they decide to come up.

In the meantime.. here is a photo of a very happy Buffy. It was a good time for "men at work."