

These past couple of weeks have been really rough... what with having some family drama, me being sick, BAJ being sick, and trying to catch up on all kinds of things. One of the things that really got put on the back burner this past year has been the yard. The plants all died in the front yard; partially from a blight that hit us... and partly from a broken drip system. The back yard has always been sort of a sand dune with a bunch of trees... but one of the things I have always wanted back there was a fire pit. And so... the past few days we had a couple friends come over who graciously helped us out with the irrigation system ( which now works )... with the yard (which is now free of everything dead )
... and with my dream of a fire pit ( which I now have ).

Life is good.

And tonight I made a beef roast (marinated in a rose chardonnay overnight... and accented with fresh sage whilst cooking), boiled golden potatoes and sweet potatoes, mushroom gravy, and a kabocha squash ( stuffed with Woodstock bread from Great Harvest Bread Co. -- made into toast, toasted macadamia nuts, slices of summer squash, purple onions, celery, and topped with fresh Romano cheese), and finished with organic "Night Sky" coffee from Satellite cafe ...
and a toasty fire in the fireplace.

*photos by Elaine A. Russell

( The last photo here is my photo for the day. It is of the first fire in the fireplace for this season.
It is basically straight out of the camera-- just a little color saturation---
... with a layer placed on top for a little added umph )


Today has been an exhausting day... but an awesome one. Today has been a day for wonderful conversations... wonderful food... and a decadent nap (post benadryl for allergies-- which are really ugly today).

We went to dinner at Los Cuates... which was soooooo good. I really missed being able to get green chile ... and I took this photo (see below) looking out the restaurant window onto the sunny street. This was one of only 2 photos I took today... but I am happy with it.

I am discovering how sick I have been this year. ... and the past few days I have woken to massive bruising all over my legs. Twitches, tremors, headaches... close comrades of mine for the past few days as well. And so... I am on a quest to watch my diet a bit better. I did really well in PA despite all that was going on... but I need to be more dedicated if I am going to get back my strength and my health.

And in the meantime... I have been accepted to show a piece in a New York City gallery... provided I can get a piece of my art ready and in the mail in the next day or so... and so... back to ART!

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


I am on my way... well, sort of. After visiting with family... and then my dad in the hospital; my niece drove me 2hours to Williamsport,PA where I got a hotel room. From here, I will get a taxi to the airport around 3:30am.

I am feasting on an interesting assortment of food (hence my offbeat photo for the day)...watching TV... and generally relaxing & resting for a few hours before I have to leave.
(dinner: Beef jerky, fresh strawberries, roasted/salted almonds, a package of apple slices with caramel, cheese puffs, Woodchuck Amber hard cider...not pictured was a hazelnut steamer from the gas station nearby).


The past couple of days that I featured architecture around the town.... I really didn't talk about anything else that has been going on. Partly because I don't want to bog everyone down with useless information... and partly because I am simply overwhelmed.

As I mentioned in a previous post.... my son got engaged to his girlfriend when I was down in Geisinger (where/when my dad had his surgery). I love my son... and I adore his fiance... but it was kinda sad that all this was going on while I wasn't there. Since then, they have been very busy with various preparations... sharing the news to family and friends... and trying to get things organized. They are both in school, and he is also working full time... so their lives are crazy busy at the moment. Add in relatives who aren't so happy about the wedding... trying to find an apartment, minister, church, reception hall.....school, work.... and then add that they plan on getting married on the 23rd. Yes... this month.
There has been alot of additional stress... as plans keep changing... almost daily... for alot of reasons that I really won't go in to... you'll have to trust me on that one... but as a mom, you always want to be their for your children, and this time... I can't.
Fortunately... I am married to a wonderful man... and an excellent father... who is more than handling and helping out with things at home.

Last night I was feeling very tired, and frustrated. This has been a "long haul"... for everyone involved.... and I was feeling a bit tapped out. I was in the kitchen while my parents were getting ready for the night.... when my mom quietly announced that she was having chest pain. It is probably comical in retrospect... but here I was trying to help my dad with his stuff... and running back to my mom who was having chest pain... giving her nitroglycerin... taking a pulse... watching the clock... trying to keep her calm (*no small feat).. and rushing back to check my dad....

Fortunately, my daughter is simply awesome and took over bedside calming and observation for my mom. When the nitro didn't help; and things were getting worse pretty quickly... I called 911. 8 hours later we got back home. Mom had had a pretty intense episode of angina... but fortunately (because of early administration of the nitro and the fact that I bullied her into stopping and laying down... O2... and fabulous care by the ambulance crew and the ER crew)... she was spared any damage.

My daughter stayed at home with my dad... and was excellent with him, and helped him with his care... and helped him keep calm as well. I couldn't be more proud of her.

We all finally got to sleep around 8am.

We got up late in the afternoon... and I went "foraging" for dinner. I decided to head out of town slightly, and took a detour through a quiet road near the woods. (yes... I went on paved roads... no more getting stuck in the mud).

I ended up stopping at the Sweden Valley Inn. This is a fabulous family owned bar & restaurant. I haven't been there in years... but I know the family who owns it.... and I have heard wonderful things....

I was not disappointed.

I sat at the bar area and ordered some food to go. While I waited, it was suggested that I try one of the specialty hot cocoas. They have several "international" selections... the Irish Cocoa includes Bailey's Irish cream; one features Kahlua and cream, etc. I chose the one that had Butterscotch Schnapps in it. WOW. It was freakin awesome (photo below).

Just as I was finishing.. my dinner arrived and I took it home. We had fresh baked haddock with lemon and garlic, home-made coleslaw, fresh applesauce, rolls, and a dinner salad as one entree. The other entree I got was southern fried chicken with french fries. Between those 2 entrees... we had more than enough food for the 4 of us. I also was gifted an entire peanut butter cream pie from the owner's mother... who is a friend of the family, and wanted to give my parent's a gift.
This pie was a thing of beauty.... and I couldn't adequately describe it if I wanted. Trust me. Get some. Total cost for the dinners and drink $26.
I am including a photo of the small pond beside the inn, where there is a family of mallards ...

We are all exhausted. Tired from being sick... tired from traveling to appointments, hospital visits... day to day activities made harder due to stress and illness.... it's been formidable.
And yet... out of this all... such wonderfulness. Well wishes and prayers from tons of people... some of whom we don't even know. Fresh flowers... spring blooming around us... birds chirping.... nice weather.....
A lady not only took time out of her schedule... but came to the house to cut my dad's hair... and then would not take payment; saying it was her gift...
Bags of books sent because my dad likes to read.....
Offers from people to help with transportation when my dad starts his daily radiation soon...
And like the pie that we were given... it's all be wonderful, gracious... and so very very sweet.

*all photos by Elaine A. Russell

See more on the Sweden Valley Inn: here