cherry springs


One of the most amazing attractions in the area here; is Cherry Springs State Park.

Only about 15 miles out of town...just a short drive... is this worldwide renown site for stargazing. It is known for having some of the "darkest night skies on the east coast" of the United States, and was chosen by the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) and its Bureau of Parks as one of "Twenty Must-See Pennsylvania State Parks."

I could go on and on.... how it was land to the Seneca Indians... how this area was a huge part of the lumbering boom of the 1880's... how it was the site of a CCC encampment... (there were 8 of them in Potter County) the land is the plateau of the Appalachian Mountains, and surrounded by the Susquehannock State Forest ...(and home to tons of wildlife and vegetation)...

...but really... it is late... I am tired... and this site HERE... tells it so much better than I ever could.

So... here are some photos ... of young men in the CCC

...................................the main pavilion; built in 1939

.......................................astronomy domes

............................................all photos by Elaine A. Russell

(*the CCC picture is a photo of a photo ... which is on display at the park)

a brief spot of sunshine

photos by Elaine A. Russell

.... and I missed it. I had a migraine last night, and was not feeling well the night before.. and I think it caught up with me. So.. while that brief spot of glorious sunshine was bursting forth, and my brother mowed the lawn, and my parents ran errands.. I was asleep with Sabrina curled up next to me.. missing it all.
And when I awoke at 2pm, it was back to overcast and hazy.. and threatening to rain.
Ah well. I think I am destined to get rainy day pictures this trip. And maybe that is a good thing. When I get back to ABQ, and it hasn't rained but 6 days out of the year, I can look at all my rain photos.
So-- here are some photos (taken in the rain) up in Sweden Valley.. just 6 miles out of town. My brother in law and his new wife live out there, and it is gorgeous.
According to some quick internet research, Sweden Valley is home to about 500 people, with an average income of $35,000. There is one bar, one church, a putt-putt golf, a health food store, a golf club, a dog rescue, and a blueberry farm. It used to be home to the "World Famous Ice Mine" .. which has since been bought, posted, and left derelect.
If you continue on thru Sweden Valley, you will end up at Cherry Springs... a great place to watch the sky and to get an airplane ride at the family owned airport. There are camping places and picnic places.. and some great scenic views.
Up the road from the turn-off to Sweden Valley, is "Denton Hill" .. where you can ski in the winter, and do archery in the summer.
And down the road towards Coudersport, is Sweden Valley Manor (nursing home) and Charles Cole Memorial Hospital. .. where I used to work years ago.