Today I am finally starting to feel better... although I find I tire much more easily than I think I should.... and I get really stiff if I sit for more than 30 minutes at a pop.
That said though.. I was able to make several pair of easy earrings for the Etsy shop...which makes me feel a bit better.
Things I am Grateful for Today:
-beads. I love them. Can't get enough of them.
-easy grip tools. With arthritis in my hands... these make twisting wire easier.
-hypo-allergenic findings. Good for people sensitive to metals... yet very affordable.
-sorting trays. I still marvel at the great deal I got on this bead cabinet over a year and a half ago.... with all the trays... and extra beads.
-being able to print postage ... from ... straight to my printer. It really saves time.
-venues like Etsy and Ebay... where I can sell my items from my living room. Just a few short years ago... this would never have been a possibility.
-flannel shirts.
-eggs and english muffins. Tonight's easy dinner.
-we had a small flooding of water in our basement... and it could have been tragic; as we have all our books down there. Fortunately, we had placed all the book boxes up on plastic sheeting... and none of them got wet. The things that did get wet... were mostly plastic and glassware stuffs for a future yard sale. What a relief.... I am so very grateful.