catching up

Sometime in/around last Wednesday... I really hurt my back. I am not sure how... and I suppose it doesn't matter... It just really, really hurts. Between resting, taking motrin, hot packs and camphor... it didn't seem like I was getting better... but then yesterday, I was able to get a chiropractic adjustment. Today... I am extremely sore and stiff... but I have hopes of improvement overall.

Unfortunately with all this... and working, and such... the blogs fell to the wayside.
Today I will try to "make it up" to you :)

Usually on my weekend posts; I try to include some links to cool stuff I'd found during the week on the internet. One of the things I came across, was a friend of mine who was starting to make lucets. Well, I had no idea what a lucet was... so I looked it up. Turns out; it is a very cool cord-making tool. With the cording.. you can then go on to make things like necklace chain, etc. So. Here are some links: here, here, and here.

Last year, I had posted in one of my blog posts... a story about THIS woman. A great artist... and truly a vibrant, wonderful human being. I learned this week that she had passed... and saw this story on her.

On the theme of art, I wanted to include this link on photography...this link on a fabulous artist... and this link on street art.

Over the weekend... my daughter found and salvaged some old windows... and she's been looking up creative ideas on what to do with them. She found this site... and I thought I would share it here as well.

Just for fun... I wanted to include THIS

To encourage... I wanted to include this...

And because spring is just around the corner... I wanted to include THIS and THIS.

And because I love to eat international foods... I wanted to share this article with you all.

Hang in there everyone... and I hope you all have a restful night.