
Today has been an odd day.
The weather has been a bit schizophrenic.... snowing madly, blustering... whirling snow and heavy wind... and at this moment... the sun is shining and the snow coming down is sparse.
Just a minute later now, it's a blizzard out there... and the wind sounds like a freight train.
It's like the weather can't make up it's mind.
And my back is killing me.
And a good friend is moving and I had hoped to help... but can't get ahold of her...
...some days I should just stay in bed...

My thoughts keep wandering on me... and I feel as flustered and as blustered as the snow coming down.

Things I am Grateful for Today:

-things that seem to be helping my back:  turmeric tea, a long hot shower, motrin...
-having a short burst of energy... and using it to fill the bird feeders
-and seeing tons of bird prints in the snow soon thereafter
-and Brina puppy prints right alongside them
-leftovers.... which means I don't have to cook tonight
-a jar full of different colored markers...sitting on the kitchen table
-a bowl full of beads for inspiration
-discovering that I can get back issues to my favorite magazine that I am missing
-and this glorious bit of a sunset... right before the sun went behind the hills... (see the last photo here)