I am exhausted. Emotionally and physically, spiritually… and in any other way you can be tired to the bone. I truly feel this presidency; this criminal administration has affected me harder than any of my bouts of cancer, or physical ailment. I despair for the future of this world…. after seeing how people have treated each other as inhuman, how we have disregarded the importance of nature and preservation, how corrupt everything seems to be. … And yet. Occasionally, there are bright spots. I keep looking for them…
I’ve continued with posting (on Facebook) my ‘snapshots for the day’… and have also been posting art inspiration links, thoughtful posts and quotes, music that cheers… and such… in hopes of brightening up this current darkness. I’ve continued to spread truthful, fact checked information …. written my reps… donated to causes I believe in… supported local business…. helped where I can.
Take a breather….. rest when you are able…. keep carrying on…..