I’ve begin a sort of ‘fall cleaning”… for lack of a better way to put it. I’ve organized all the cupboards in the kitchen, cleaned out the fridge, organized the laundry area better, cleaned out and organized the bathroom cupboard, and straightened up the linen closet. I’ve also gone thru all the books on the bookshelves, and mi nightstand. I’ve trimmed up all the plants on the balcony, and rearranged the stuff out there a little. I’ve hung up a few more pieces of art. What’s left? Well…. the storage closet. The storage closet is chock full of misc, thousands and thousands of photos and pieces of memorabilia that need converted to digital files, tons of fabric, and art supplies. It will probably take me forever, but I’ve got to get working on it. There is also a pile of stuff to go to donation, once a place opens up that can take it. I also have some things I may list on Ebay… .not sure. (Books and collectibles).
On the art business front, I think I have landed on a name…. but am waiting some input form a couple friends yet. Then, I hope to start filing the appropriate papers to change my name legally, and declare a business name/ entity here in VA.
Not much else is new. I’m still not sleeping well… but I’ve managed to watch a ton of shows on tv. *see the list on my Facebook page.
And, poor Bugsy has developed some sort of allergy… his face is all goopy and stained. I’ve gotten some medicated wipes from the vet for him, and they seem to be helping. Here are some of the photos I’ve shared with my “snapshot for the day” posts on Facebook: