what a long month this week has been…. so much has happened this week… with the elections, with my frustration causing a massive house-cleaning effort, and with keeping a foster pup overnight for a local rescue. This has been a very stressful, restless week…. but I truly believe that things will get better.
… and what I posted on my Facebook page: I will just say this. I have been in abusive relationships before. I have had a very PTSD-inducing past. I will not go into details. That said.... this whole past several years has had a very triggering effect on me personally, and for so many folks in this country. You don't have to agree with that statement, or even understand it.... but please at least allow yourself to acknowledge that for some of us.... last night was quite possibly the best night's sleep we've had in a long time. And while this newly elected administration is not perfect, and most certainly will not be everything we all hope it will be... it is at least, a step towards a more caring, and equitable future for ALL of this country's citizens. There is a lot of work that needs to be done. Let's all be open to positive change.
Photo collage (below) is of some of my snapshots for the day that I post on my Facebook page. I’ve also been sharing some photos that have been popping up in my Facebook Memories feed, and they are on my Instagram account as well.