

It's been raining most all of today again... and the water in the flood channel is fast and furious as it moves along. Alot of the trees are beginning to lose their leaves... what with the rain and the wind. And tomorrow starts the long weekend featuring the "Falling Leaves Festival" here in Potter County.

I am beginning to fear that I won't get all of the things done that I would like to do... before heading back to Albuquerque. Part of it has been my own procrastination on things (why do I do this?!)... part of it has been due to the way paperwork moves within government systems. I have been inordinately tired this trip... and some days it seems all I can do is get out of bed... muddle through a couple of things... and the next thing you know... it's 2am.

I don't have a deadline (per se) of when I need to be back in Albuquerque... but I miss my family... and I have a granddaughter due to be born somewhere around the 11th of October. And so... I need to "get it in gear"... and get things done.

One thing I have accomplished on this trip though... is that I have made it a point to go on a drive... even a short one... each and every day. Because of these drives... I have really enjoyed the changing of the seasons... and the beauty of nature that is all around us. Even on rainy days such as today... I was able to get photos that will continue to remind me of the wonders of nature... and the beauty to be had in the everyday.

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


(waiting areas near the laboratory and the radiology department)

It's been raining all day..... and I spent most all of today at the hospital.... in addition to my dad being sick.... now my mom is as well. The doctor's don't think she has pneumonia... but something pretty darn close to it. So, she had appointments, lab work done, x-rays done, etc.
Once we finally got her taken care of, then we visited with my dad. He seems to be having greater amounts of pain, and quite a bit of swelling in his legs... but he moves fairly well in spite of having the hip surgery. His appetite is poor... but then... he hasn't been horribly active.

(the aquarium on Long Term Care )

And so... I got to wander around the hospital quite a bit. I worked here from 1986-1990; when I got married and moved away. There are complete sections that are new to me... and it can be somewhat confusing.. . but the core of the hospital is the same. I can still find my way to the cafeteria and such. I ran into an a friend who works on housekeeping there. She is awesome. After working at so many different hospitals all over the US; I can honestly say that Charles Cole is one of the cleanest hospitals I have ever seen. Some of the decor and such still look circa 1950-60's.... but I think that this just lends itself to the charm of the place. It is a larger place, but definitely has a home-town feel... which if I were a patient... I would really appreciate.

(vending machines on the 2nd floor)

(a familiar view)

And so... almost all the photos I took today are from the hospital. It is very challenging sometimes to continue with the 365 project... especially on days like today... but I think it is helping me to grow as a photographer... to see things in what most view as the mundane.

And now.... off to take some Tylenol for my continued headache *going on 48hrs now*.... and maybe do some laundry before I head off to bed.

(rainy night parking lot blues )

*all photos by Elaine A. Russell