

One of the "perks" of being here in the country... is that when the weekend comes... it is pretty much your own to do with as you choose. I think living in a city of substantial size kind of ruins the weekend in a way, as I always feel compelled to get out there and do alot on the weekends, as so very much is going on. But here... not so much.
See... the week (for me) is busy with phone calls to utilities, insurance, etc... to straighten things out. But on the weekends... things aren't open... so it's a built-in excuse to take it easy. Also... my mother's sabbath is Saturday... so, we take it as a day of rest ... and Sunday... well ... Sundays ya just don't want to do anything either.

So. Today we went for another one of our "famous" drives... this time over to Genessee where there is a Natural Food Store. We got some great foods ( on an aside... I was astonished to discover that my mother has never ... NEVER.... used olive oil. This is just wrong)
... and then we went into the town of Genessee... where we proceeded to drive around and just look at stuff. We ended up stopping at a fabulous diner... after starting up a conversation with a girl who works there.... and got one of the best cups of coffee ever.
Jeez..... I really, really, love diners.

This weekend has been full of visits to friends and family... and it has been fun.
We also saw a mother deer and 2 young-uns today.... but alas, they were camera shy...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


----->photo by Elaine A. Russell

About my photo for today's post: Alot of the stores in Nob Hill were having sales because of the festivities yesterday. This collection of items was outside one of my favorite stores... and I couldn't resist taking a photo of it. I destaturated the colors quite a bit... and added some grit and a vignetted edging. I felt that this made the photo appear perhaps older than it was... and gave it a vintage feel.


I have been editing a few more photos... these are from August 2009; when I went to PA to visit family. Near my hometown is the "Black Forest Trading Post and Deer Park." Basically, it's a penned in area where several families of deer are kept in a safe environment, and are fed, etc. Alongside it is a gift shop. It's kitchy... of that there is no doubt.

And for people who grew up in the area... it seems to be sort of a freak thing. Deer are all around us.... why have them penned up? On the other hand; one of the main influxes of commerce we have in our county is during hunting/fishing seasons ... when lots of people come from areas like Philadelphia and such... and come up to "the country." This little tourist spot gives them the opportunity to see the animals in an accessible area. And of course, there is the gift shop and coffee bar...

According to some internet research; the place has been in business since 1953-- and has had only a handful of owners in all that time. The past couple of years that I have been to PA... I have stopped and visited with the owner. Interestingly, he has a relatively fabulous selection of Celtic music and jewelry that he also sells in the gift shop; along with local maple syrup and maple candy, honey, local crafts..... all alongside alot of kitchy tourist-like items. It is an interesting place.

But I must confess... I love to the see the deer. Yes, I know some local spots where I can see them in "the wild"... but here I can see them... almost touch them... and give them some treats (sold in packages in the shop). For the photographer in me... it was an awesome opportunity.... especially as so many of the young ones were still spotted. Their ears and horns were all soft with velvet...their soft brown eyes looking upward...

And yes, I come from a hunting background. In fact; most everyone I know (back home) hunts. Yes, I started going hunting with my dad when I was about 13. Yes, I can shoot, drag, and dress a deer all by myself. Yes, really. Yes, I like venison. Yes, I like the movie Bambi. Yes, I cry every time the mommy deer gets shot. Yes, it makes me sad to think of all the animals shot every year in the name of "sport." However, I also know that without the hunting associations, the local deer population would be a mess. For it is (mostly) these hunting associations that make sure the deer herds get enough food... that idiots aren't poaching... that they have enough land to roam about and raise their young. I understand both sides. It is up to the hunting community to expect and enforce high morals and standards when it comes to safe and ethical hunting practices in PA... and I am fortunate to know many hunters who are doing just that.

But for me... I will continue to "shoot" with my weapon of choice... (my camera).

(all photos by Elaine A. Russell)