

................artwork by Elaine A. Russell

I feel a little better about things today... mostly because we all went out to Starbucks for an iced coffee... and to Chili's for a light dinner... and then tonight I picked up a couple plants at Home Depot to fix up the pots on the front patio. The coffee was excellent... the food was delicious... and the plants I got are gorgeous.
Working in the dirt always has a therapeutic effect on me... and I always feel better when I have healthy plants around me.
As of tonight, I also have a huge pot designated for herb plants to cook with. I have always had an herb garden, but these past 2yrs I haven't had the time to prepare one as I have been traveling back to PA so much. I have missed that.

About my photo for today -- I did this piece almost 3yrs ago.. but came across a photo of it today. Using this photo, I added the vintage TTV layer to it... making it new and fresh. I had made it for a former friend... who may not even have it now... so I am glad I kept a photo of it. And while it was not that great an art piece... I do love yellow prairie cone flowers; which was my inspiration for the piece.

To see more about these kind of flowers: Look HERE


-------------------------------photo and art page by Elaine Russell

I have always loved to sketch. As a kid, it wasn't that I was discouraged from doing art things... but it was rather well known that my brother was the artist in the family.. so it was implied that if I did anything art related, I was copying or sponging off of his "glory."
weird I know. Personally, I am of the opinion that you could give the same 10 people the same materials and inspiration object, and you would still get 10 completely different results. No copying involved... no stealing anyone else's thunder. whatever.

So -- today's photo is of a page I embellished for a friend. It was just a quick sketch, but I really like it. I need to do more art.......