
It's "Maker Monday!" 
... my series of posts where I feature something the daughter or I are working on, 
and encourage the maker lifestyle.

I feel like I don't have as much to show, of things I've made this week.
I did make some new mandalas; which I hope to be getting into the Etsy shop soon (as seen in the photo above).
I finished another scarf made from remnant yarns. I have been naming each one after a book I enjoyed as a child.
This one is "Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates."

And for those of you who follow me on facebook, I've been doing my Holiday "Give-Away" and am up to day #13 of giving away things I've made. (I hope to go through til Christmas Eve). This week I made a few new items for this as well.. including these jewelry sets:

Keep creating folks! and I will see you all tomorrow...