
so yes, I did get my work table cleared off last night... which was no small task.
It's amazing how things can (literally and figuratively) pile up.
So many things to do...

After the table was cleared, I decided to work on a somewhat simple task... making guitar picks for the Etsy shop. I have a supply of store gift cards, credit cards, etc that I use.... and so I set about cutting them up... trying to place the design at interesting spots on the card. Then... an hour or so was spent sanding and filing the edges so they are smoother. It's not difficult work...  but it can be tedious. ... which I why I usually do things like this in batches. Last night I made just over 100 guitar picks, and got them all sanded. This afternoon, I took a few photos, and got them listed in the Etsy shop. Since starting to make these (many) years ago... they have consistently been a popular item. And I really like that they are one of the ways I can recycle and re-purpose things so they don't end up in a landfill somewhere.

Keep creating! ... and I'll see you all tomorrow.

The photos for today's post were both made using new features on a program I have. The bottom one here is a zoom effect on the edges. 
The top photo shows a mirror effect... and reminds me of those ink blot art pieces we all did in elementary school. Fun :)