They say it always gets worse, before it gets better... but you've got to keep going.
There is some truth in that... at least with cleaning and organizing. For me at least, it always looks like a small tornado has hit; before things begin to get truly organized and back in place. Such is the case right now with the studio space.
I am sure most artists would agree... that their studio is always in flux. There is most always some level of deep and dark dysfunction...
My main thing is... I need at least one large CLEAN space to work on. Free of clutter.... free of stuff that doesn't belong there. And so... that is my goal for today. There are so many "hacks" and articles on how to organize your space... and basically, you just have to know what will work for you. Some things are pretty standard...
-have a place for reference materials (books, videos)
-have organized spaces for your tools
-have specific places to store your supplies (and keep them there .. ie: put them back when you're done)
-put all the supplies for specific projects together (and store together til you can do the project)
-make places for displaying finished works
-get rid of things you haven't used in years, are broken and need to fix (you probably won't get to it), multiples of the same supply, etc.
Here are 3 articles I found on the internet that may help:
*here and *here and **here
Have fun... and keep creating! See you all tomorrow...