Photos for this weekend's post feature a locust tree that was in our yard in New Mexico.
I loved it, and the way the sun always made the leaves burst with color, and the wind made them rattle. The wind here the past few days have been blowing what few leaves were left on the trees all about the yard...and it's been really beautiful. The deer have visited a couple of times, filing up on some late fall vegetation... even our little black squirrel friend came back for a short visit.
Everyone seems to be getting ready for winter. Are you ready? I'm not... but that is ok. It's all a process.
In the meantime... I've got some interesting links to share with you all:
*a tadpole's perspective
*the only village in the Grand Canyon
*one tank trip -- the PA Turnpike
*some cool antique photos
*some awesome artwork
*James Taylor's updated version of "Fire and Rain"
*veggie portraits by Lynn Karlin
*some fun art by Don Kenn
*how to make vegDucken
*and who doesn't love Esther Williams
*reasons to love possums
*the Vogel's