When I lived in Albuquerque, I maintained a "vision board".... a simple framed piece of thin plywood that I ad lying about from a previous project. On it; I taped up things that were important to me that I wanted to keep close in my mind/ heart, things I wanted to accomplish over the course of the year, things I wanted to get over the course of the year. Most of the photos represented something to me... like the photo of earrings was a style I wanted to learn to make... the sketch represented to me time I wanted to spend making art... you get the idea.
I changed it out every year to reflect what was going on at the time; and at the end of each year... it was awesome to see what had evolved and what had transpired.
Since our move in October, the board had been "lost" somewhere in the depths of the basement... and I hadn't had the opportunity to review it at the end of the year like I had in years past.
I found a photo of it today that I had taken prior to the move. (see above).
And much to my surprise... most everything I had wanted to do/ get/ see/ keep close... had indeed happened.
Things I am Grateful for Today:
-the opportunity to send something in mind out to the Universe...
-the unbelievable miracle of wishes coming true
-working hard to help make positive change
-the internet/books/tv/ schools.... the amazing resources they all are... and the ease in which they are accessible.
-positive thinking
-encouragement from people we know and care about... so lovely
-discourage from people we know and care about... because it may just spur us on
-finding things... just when you need them
-vision boards/journals/ wish lists... prayers/intentions... whatever it takes