
It's been an odd weekend... but I am grateful that (of all times) for me to get sick... it was when I was no longer working
(and therefor not potentially infecting anyone); and had the time to rest and get better. Funny how that happens...
I had a significant plan of things to do... that will have to be done some other time...but that is OK.

Things I am Grateful for Today:

-clean linens
-hot honey and lemon tea
-quite possibly the biggest naval oranges I've seen in a long time... courtesy of my husband who went and got groceries (thank you)
-no alarm clocks
-finding this hidden treasure in my music feed
-catching up on some reading... I'm embarrassed by the sheer stack of books at my bedside...
-finally seeing the movie RED in it's entirety. I've seen bits and pieces of it... but seeing it all in one sitting... wow. Excellent movie. I love Bruce Willis... Morgan Freemen... Helen Mirren... Richard Dreyfus... you just can't go wrong with that kind of casting.
-and knowing... that RED2 is on tap for later today
-finding this link... (reposting for all my friends who love steampunk)
-and if you're really needing something creative to do... look here ... and I'll see you tomorrow :)