I read... alot.
I love the written word.
I have decided to feature some of the blogs I read on friday's... hence the title... Friday's Finds.
I have about 250 blogs currently on my reading list... and I'm going to be sharing those links over the course of this year... on Friday's.
(plus any more I come across).
(plus any more I come across).
If you have a blog.... or have a favorite blog that you want me to feature...
just shoot me an email (moongipsies@msn.com).
just shoot me an email (moongipsies@msn.com).
---sometimes you have to just go with the flow.
.and the flow is good.
Today's links are all about
art, writing, and living a beautiful life.
Papillon sur la branche
River Garden Studio
Creative HQ
Studio Waterstone
Guy Named Dave
And She Speaks
Iori Tomita
Gregory Colbert
We Eat. Happy.
the photo for today's blog post was taken by my daughter, Kristin M. Russell
...who also happens to be a fabulous artist