for the weekend

Just a week or so ago... the house looked like this.
Chilly mornings... followed by warm, sunny days....
sure signs of fall in the air...leaves having turned and fallen... gracing the roads with a carpet of splendid color...
bees humming while gathering their final haul for the year...
and I was still able to wander about the yard barefoot... enjoying it all.

and then it rained for 5days... off and on... with a decided nip in the air.
Birds huddled closer in the trees... deer came in the yard to scavenge from my compost piles.
And then we got snow. Just a little mind you... and nothing that stayed... but a sure foretelling of things to come.

Fall is coming to a quick end... my friends.

And so... (and partly because I've been sick)... I've been sleeping in later... resting more often
...unable to get it together enough to get much done... or so it seems.
The plus side of this... is that I've found some marvelous links to share with you all.

Here is a great video... with links here, here, here, and here of the artists is mentions.

Here is a great article I saw online...with little "tricks" to simplify your life.

Here is a wonderful article... when someone is hurting... and you just don't know what to say.

40 of the most powerful photographs ever taken

... and HOPE from the fabulous peeps at LEGO.