for Tuesday

I like St. Louis... but I am also afraid of it.
I love the architecture... all the old brick factory buildings... all the wires... trains... bridges... etc
But it also scares me... because it seems like it is always under construction... and no matter what route I plan out... it seems like I always end up driving a new route thru the city... and I'm scared I will make a wrong turn or be lost in some infinite loop.

Today we drove from St. Louis to Just outside of Dayton, Ohio... and although my back is freaking killing me... and I probably have 30 pounds of swelling on me.... I feel like we made progress.

In a perfect world... we would be in PA by now. But with added delays and 2 flat tires... we are about a day behind now. Not a big deal... except we won't be getting in until Wednesday night... which leaves Thursday as our only day to completely unpack the truck (once we get a place to unload the stuff in too... and drop off the truck) ... AND get our new house inspected... before I have to take Jim up to Buffalo, NY on Friday am for his flight back to ABQ.
It's gonna take a miracle folks.
Then again, I expect miracles :)
---and why not.

I think I may have figured out the whole downloading pictures from the iPhone thing... or so it would seem tonight... but who knows... I've had a couple glasses of this fabulous peach wine to stop my back from killing me... so I may just be delusional :)

As it stands though... we are in another really nice hotel... we've eaten some good food... stopped at Boot City! and got a pair of black boots for winter!!! in Terre Haute... saw some truly gorgeous scenery.... and did NOT have a flat tire today.
So... thru alot of Missouri... into Illinois... through Indiana... and now into Ohio...
whew! >>sips some more wine<<

On an aside... turns out the U-haul does not have a CD player. eeps... Which left us with the radio *not a good option when you are traveling so much*. However, we figured out how to load Pandora onto the cell phone... and have been happily listening to some of our fav music on this trip... which has really made a big difference. I highly recommend it.

***all the shots for today's post were shot from the passenger side of the truck as we were driving.