for saturday

so. We have left New Mexico.
This afternoon we rolled out of Albuquerque in our 17foot U-haul... and as we climbed up the mighty Sandias... we waved goodbye to this city we have called home for the last 18years.
We are leaving behind our (now) grown son; who has a daughter of his own... and lots and lots of  memories.

I did all the driving today.... so some of the photos may actually have been taken by my daughter Kristin; but edited by me. Even Jim took a couple photos! It was fun driving the truck... even though we had a major blow-out right near Moriarity, NM.
Fortunately, we had a couple COWBOYZ; who work for U-haul; come and save the day for us. Delayed us by about an hour... but it was all good.

We honked at our favorite little ghost-town Cuervo... and we delighted to see lots of trains running along the tracks...

We stopped in Santa Rosa for a quick bite.... and discovered how extremely HOT outside it was when we stepped out of the air conditioned cabs... whew! And before we knew it.... we were crossing over the border and into TEXAS.  >>honk honk<<

Our goal was to have dinner at the BIG TEXAN in Amarillo... but alas; we got there and it was supremely packed to the gills... and there was no room at their hotel... so we stayed at a Holiday Inn down the road instead. ... which turned out to be super lush and swanky. It was awesome. We grabbed some "delivery" food from Pacific Rim ... and were all safely set for the night as we sunk our bodies into HUGE pillow tops..... and dreamed.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring...