so today... we woke up very sore from all the work yesterday... packing and such... tons and tons of packing. One thing I will mention though... was that we went to the Stranger Factory --- which is an incredible gallery downtown. I have wanted to go there for a long time... but alas, did not until yesterday... and WOW! This gallery is wonderful... amazing... and has so many ultra-cool works of art.... I wanted to get it all...
It was so wonderful... I hope to do an entire blog post on my visit there... but it will have to wait a bit.
Today.... we went for the final signing of the papers... which officially SOLD our house. Money was transferred to our account... and although it ended up being not as much as I had hoped... it was still wonderful to be done with it all... and be able to pay some things off.
And then... the rest of the day was spent loading a shiny 17foot truck TO THE BRIM with our stuff. We had gotten most of it done yesterday and well into the evening... but in the end... we still had a few things we couldn't fit in the truck to take with us. Fortunately, a friend kindly offered to let us store them at his house. It's funny.... we've been downsizing our stuff for awhile now... and it still amazes me how much stuff we still have. Course, I've probably saved more than I ought to... and the hubby was laughing about how we could be dragging this stuff cross country... just to get rid of some of it... and he could be right.
And then tonight... we had a fabulous dinner with some friends before tucking ourselves in at a local hotel. On an aside... these past few months I've been visited by several awesome species of bugs.... and tonight was no different. Just on the end of the stoop by our hotel room... a young praying mantis stopped to say "hello"
---from the Animal Speak book:
The Praying Mantis teaches how to still the outer mind and go within ourselves.
Through this, we can draw upon greater power --
physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.
That stillness can be simple contemplation or meditation or even dreaming.
Through this, we can draw upon greater power --
physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.
That stillness can be simple contemplation or meditation or even dreaming.
Healers often have Praying Mantis totems -- for they use
their inner stillness to focus their healing power.
their inner stillness to focus their healing power.
The greatest lesson this totem teaches is patience.
Learning to wait for the right moment before striking.
Learning to wait for the right moment before striking.