for the weekend

the collage of photos above... are all photos that I took this week.
And it sorta gives you a taste of my life these past few days...  

takeout from a couple of my fav places
working in the yard

flowers... both inside of the house and outside...

my wonderful Sabrina... who has been taking naps with me and often curls up beside me at night while I watch TV...  
a photo of my kitchen table... which shows a stack of books we've all been reading...  
fresh fruit... summer is basically here and we've been eating light for the most part
and along the way there have been some "issues"... like the fact that I cracked a rib and such...
but good things too... like working in the studio on some new projects..

And so it goes.
I have been trying to be optimistic about things... and remind myself that steps... no matter how small they may seem...
are still steps in a positive direction... and that good things will come.

“Until you run out of pages, there’s still room to write an epic ending.”~Kevin Ngo