It's been an interesting week... let's see if I can bring you "up to speed."
Actually---- I think I can sum it up into: no sleep.... no cheer... no internet.
I have had a very awkward sleep schedule for some time now... and this week it has sorta come to a head. I am able to sleep for a couple of hours... then awake for several... then sleep a couple... well... you get the idea. It's hard to communicate with others and hold this kind of schedule.
Hence, the "no cheer" feeling. It's not that I am not loved... I am most certainly loved. It's just that when you don't sleep right... everything else feels wrong. You're tired... cranky... over sensitive... frustrated... depressed... anxious. Your stomach is upset... your back hurts... well... you get the idea there too.
And then the topper... was when the internet went kerfleeeeewy. Thru a comedy of errors... we thought we had no access. This kinda put me in a tailspin of feeling behind on everything... feeling disconnected... OK.
And so.. with the help of a couple little trips to my fav Drive-thru for burgers and such... and a couple trips to the mailbox... and more than a couple "looks" at that gorgeous moon out there.... things are coming back around to normal. Or at least.... sorta normal :)