
Photography literally means "writing with light."

My family has a long history of being in love with the written word. We are all voracious readers, and my grandmother submitted stories to Ellery Queen Magazine back in the day. My dad wrote sermons, my mom used to write prose, my brother has been working on a sciFi novel for years, and my sister wrote her own graduation speech. I dabble in Haiku.

The goal of writing is to write just enough.
Enough to give a glimpse --- enough to keep the reader engaged.

Photography is like that. You need to show just enough to pique the interest of the viewer... and yet; still leave enough unsaid to the imagination. Where is this photo taken?  What is the subject doing... feeling... experiencing? What happened after the shutter was pressed... what was the rest of the story?

"If you want to take amazing photographs, take your cues from the art, the poetry, the lyrics that you enjoy."
---Chris Orwig

Make it resonate... and write it with light...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell

(the photos for today's post were taken on an artist date to Barnes and Noble. I love reading magazines... and Belle Armoire is one of my most favorites. I featured it in the photo at the top... because for me... it is a great inspiration... not only in my jewelry making, but also in my photography.
The bottom shot was taken in the cafe... while I was reading a short stack of stuff... and enjoying the atmosphere of the place...)