Another week has flown by….. and I’ve scarcely anything to show for it. Usually, I at least console myself with saying that the place is clean… but after accidently seeing what the transom window ledge, and the top of my bookcases look like… I don’t think I can say that… at least not this week. And I should have deep cleaned, or worked on deep cleaning the apartment, as my niece and her kiddos are in the area on a small vacation… but alas… that also did not happen. What did happen, is that I’ve been working on things to help control chronic pain issues… but all I’ve found is that if the pain is gone… I’m asleep. And if there is pain… I am too anxious and miserable to do much beyond the minimum. All that said…. I did get much more rest this week…. and even lost more than a day to an inadvertent 24+ sleep and fast. Thanks “highly concentrated” CBD.
But. This am, I am up after about 4hrs of (mostly) sleep…. have made coffee… emptied the dishwasher, and am watching the day unfold out past the edge of our balcony. Which also, reminds me to mention that the Carolina Wrens (and whatever babies they had), have left the nest. Sadly. But I think they had a good time here, and at least they were relatively safe and sheltered.
I’ve had this overwhelming sense of dying (for awhile now). Before you get ‘worked up’… no, am not actively suidical. At least, I don’t think so. But I have been more accutely aware of how short life truly is… how much capacity we have for both love and pain…. sadness…. and joy. I am sure I could easily see the connections to what is going on politically, and with current human existence…. what we have done to the Earth and it’s inhabitants…. but, then I get really depressed. So no. I worry for the future. Alot. My own, sure… but moreso… for those left to work on what we (collectively as humans) have done. And I am anxious and fretful that we ‘fix our house’ before it’s too late… but perhaps it already is. With so many ( with power and influence ) who care very little about life beyond the reach of their own arms… it’s hard. And yes, I am proactive and try to do what I can. Perhaps, we are all heading down the road of the DoDo… and maybe, that is as it should be. Hopefully, if there is a ‘next time’… we will do better. In the meantime, I will continue to effect change, and to promote all that is good… artful… and beautiful…. as I am able.
Below: Photo collage of my daily photos/ 365 project. for the week & Photo collage of my ‘random studio shots’ for the week