photo for the day


----->photo by Elaine A. Russell

Well.... I have managed to go through just about the whole house (except the garage and the attic space)... and it is a good thing. Along the way, I have found a few things to get rid of..... and a few of things to fix (sewing/ mending... ugh).
We are (hopefully) going to sell the stuff over the weekend (I have ads on Craigslist)... and whatever is left over is going to charity on Monday. It will be good.
Next week... I can begin working on the garage and attic space... which is going to be alot of work simply because it is mostly arts/crafts type stuff that I am sure I will have a hard time weeding through and narrowing down... but we'll see.
In other news... I think I have bronchitis. It is interesting to note that I am cleaning out my house... and my lungs are cleaning out themselves as well... This too... is probably a good thing... but it sure makes it impossible to breathe sometimes. I am sure a good therapist would have a field day with this.... he he.... probably along the lines of.... stuff suffocating my life.... crap suffocating my lungs... who knows. But it is interesting.

About the photo for this post: I took a photo of this cover art on a very 1950's book. The book details how wheat is grown and gathered for bread making. I loved the cover, but it wasn't mine so I took a photo of it. I especially like how the little girl is holding what appears to be a substantial knife ... something that would definitely NOT be allowed in today's advertising. I can just imagine the law-suit over allowing what appears to be a 4yr old wield such a hefty weapon.....
I plan on using this photo in a collage project.


----->photo by Elaine A. Russell

Sometimes there are many different directions you can take something... and it is difficult to decide which way to go. Today was one of those days. I'm not a horribly indecisive person normally... but I do sometimes get overwhelmed. Today I had taken only one descent photo... and then I got carried away and made 5 different versions of it... each one having a slightly different feel... a different style... a different perspective.

In the end, sometimes you just have to go with your gut... and pick one
... which is what I did today with my photo for the day project.
(Most days I don't waffle so much...)

It's hard to believe I have done a full 6 months of taking a photo each and every day for this project... and I have really enjoyed it so far.

To see all the photos from my 2010: Photo a Day Project *January thru June*... look here


------>photo by Elaine A. Russell

...the dryer is dead. I seem to have this innate ability to kill appliances. My mother has had her washer and dryer for over 25yrs... yet, I can't seem to get mine to live beyond 5yrs. I like to think it's just that modern day appliances aren't made as well as they should be... but in reality... I think it's me.
And so.... I have a repairman coming in a few days. In the meantime... I washed some clothing and the hubby and I took them over to a nearby laundromat to dry... and it became a "date."
We bought chicken wings and drinks... sat in a corner of the laundromat and had a sort of picnic while our clothes dried... talked about the day... and hung out.

My hubby says he'd rather have a date in a laundromat with me... than a full course dinner with Angelina Jolie. Personally, Angelina rocks... but I appreciate the sentiment. I think it's really all a matter of perspective. I could have been really pissed about the dryer dying... and the prospect of paying to get it fixed... or I could take this as an opportunity to spend an hour with my hubby without distractions... and worry about the money later. Granted, I still have to figure out the finances to fix the dryer... but financial complications are not exactly foreign to me... and it will work out.

Plus... I had the "bonus" opportunity of being able to take a couple of photos. This one became my photo for the day... grabbing some of the cool light that was coming in the front windows and playing off the facade of the wall of dryers.